
Japan - 105
Thailand - 98
Australia - 71
Malaysia - 66
Canada - 64
Turkey - 63
Singapore - 62
Italy - 58
Germany - 51
France - 50
United States of America - 45
USA - 40
United Kingdom - 38
United Arab Emirates - 32
South Korea - 29
Spain - 28
Taiwan - 23
Saudi Arabia - 22
Hong Kong - 22
Netherlands - 20
Bangkok - 19
China - 18
Korea (south) - 18
UAE - 16
New Zealand - 15
Vietnam - 14
Switzerland - 14
India - 13
Dubai - 13
Greece - 13
Russia - 11
Kuala Lumpur - 11
Egypt - 11
Belgium - 10
Philippines - 9
Czech Republic - 9
Austria - 8
Istanbul - 8
Hungary - 8
Finland - 7
Barcelona - 7
Denmark - 7
South Africa - 7
Norway - 6
Tokyo - 6
Russian Federation - 6
Berlin - 6
Portugal - 5
Poland - 5
Cambodia - 5
sri lanka - 5
Ireland - 5
Bali - 5
Sweden - 5
Mauritius - 4
London - 4
Netherland - 4
Ukraine - 4
Bangladesh - 3
Pakistan - 3
Amsterdam - 3
UK - 3
Prague - 2
Beijing - 2
Osaka - 2
Morocco - 2
Rome - 2
Manila - 2
Kuwait - 2
Qatar - 2
Lisbon - 2
Pattaya - 2
Maldives - 2
Melbourne - 2
Oman - 2
Sabah - 2
Kuala Lumpur Malaysia - 2
Mexico - 1
Doha - 1
Colombo - 1
Parague - 1
Seoul - 1
U.K. - 1
Malaca - 1
Crete - 1
Seoul South Korea - 1
Czechrepublic - 1
Iceland - 1
NewZealand - 1
Chicago - 1
Kyoto Japan - 1
Riyadh - 1
Kenya - 1
Athens - 1
Instanbul - 1
Kyoto - 1
Malyasia - 1
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands - 1
Saint Petersburg - 1
Krakow Poland - 1
South Korea - 1
Brunei - 1
Romania - 1
Cairo - 1
Brussel - 1
News Zealand - 1
U.A.E - 1
Auckland - 1
Russia Federation - 1
Scotland - 1
Hongkong - 1
Sydeny - 1

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